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Best Practices (6)

2022 Trends - Facility Management Budgets

In February, many facility managers create their budget for the following year. If that's you, 2023 planning is just around the corner. Regardless of where you are in the annual budget process, this article includes FM planning tools that are bookmark-worthy. Furthermore, here's what's trending across the industry in 2022 and beyond.
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top 4 myths floor cleaning strip and wax

Top 4 Myths About Floor Cleaning and Maintenance

Floor cleaning myths busted!

Let's dispel some common misconceptions about how often floors should be cleaned, maintained and how they contribute to your bottom line. Since 2005, we have been servicing clients of all types and sizes. Read more to develop your own floor maintenance plan with some myth-busting along the way.
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An Employee Has COVID-19, what's next? Quick 5-Step Guide

With cases in the USA for COVID-19 at staggering levels, business owners, facility managers and property managers face the daunting task of handling news of an employee's positive diagnosis. It's a stressful call or email to receive as a manager. But being equipped with a straightforward game plan makes the task easier for business leaders. Fortunately, the CDC and FDA continue to update their resource pages for businesses and organizations, but here's some simple, condensed guidelines and additional considerations for employers to keep in mind.
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snow covered commercial buildings winterization tips

Top 8 Expert Tips to Winterize your Commercial Property

Prepare your commercial property for winter with expert tips on roof inspection, insulation, HVAC maintenance, and more. Keep your property safe and comfortable. As a commercial property owner, you need to ensure that your property is winterized every year to ensure its longevity and maintain a comfortable working environment for your tenants. With the cold season just around the corner, now is the time to take proactive steps to safeguard your property. This article provides expert advice on how to winterize a commercial property effectively. Taking a look at the top 8 tips will help you prepare your property for winter.

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