Does anyone still care about cleaning protocols? Survey says...

Do heightened disinfection practices even matter?
of customers, employees, and the general public. If you're a business owner, manager, superintendent, or municipal employee in charge of an office, school, public space, commercial facility, or business, this article reveals the opinions held by your coworkers, employees, or your clients.
Some cleaning practices are here to stay. Learn which ones are permanent.
Which cleaning practices do people care most about after a year of pandemic life?
Do consumer buying habits show proof of increased cleaning?
Will any cleaning behaviors stick around? Which ones?
Is it finally time to slack off on some cleaning protocols?
Which cleaning practices do people care most about after a year of pandemic life?

"91 percent of people are more aware of cleaning measures in public spaces such as hand sanitizer stations or staff wiping down surfaces with disinfectant. In total, 75 percent of respondents said they would feel more comfortable and confident that COVID-19 prevention measures were being enforced and they could see visible evidence of cleaning happening."
Fear has been replaced by confidence. Confidence is needed to spark economic growth. Business owners, office managers and facility supervisors deserve positive recognition for their efforts at increasing confidence levels and quelling fears during a time of uncertainty. The surveys conducted a year after the COVID era are proving their efforts have paid off.
Enhanced cleaning and disinfection routines adopted by retail shops, restaurants and other public facilities have transformed consumer fear to consumer confidence.
A new survey conducted by GP PRO found that almost half (48%) of respondents increased their participation in away-from-home activities in the previous 60 days. Of that group, 32% listed the efforts businesses have taken to provide a safe and hygienic environment as one reason they are confident leaving home.
“Consumers are now taking to the streets with renewed confidence, and businesses deserve credit for making health and hygiene a priority and, as a result, playing a role in consumers re-engaging in the everyday activities they avoided for the better part of the past year,” said Michelle Auda, GP PRO senior director of insights.
A year after the start of the pandemic, a survey conducted by the American Cleaning Institute shows 85 percent of respondents are very or somewhat likely to maintain the same level of cleaning practices initially adopted in March 2020, even when the pandemic has passed.
“The survey results and trends highlighted are encouraging for broader adoption and potential long-term behavioral changes in Americans’ cleaning habits for their health,” said Melissa Hockstad, ACI President & CEO. “While we continue to fight against the spread of COVID-19, Americans must stay vigilant to help protect themselves and the places where they live and work. That’s why smart, targeted hygiene and cleaning practices are so important in our homes and communities every single day.”
Do consumer buying habits show proof of increased cleaning?

Will any cleaning behaviors stick around? Which ones?
Americans are spending an average of six hours each week cleaning their homes with nearly nine in 10 (89%) being satisfied with the cleanliness of their home, says SC Johnson.

Cleaning surfaces in commercial settings and residential homes is front and center. With more attention being paid to hygiene, people are spending more time on areas like doorknobs (45%), the kitchen (41%) and bathrooms (39%). That’s good news since even after the pandemic, these high-touch surfaces will continue to be a place where germs can spread.
A professional cleaning company conducted a survey of their clients, asking which hygiene habits are changed forever.
83% say habits have changed forever
Frequent hand washing
Use of hand sanitizer
Wiping down key touchpoints
Avoid touching things with bare hands
Many people noticed they did not even have a sniffle during 2020. Lockdowns, social distancing, and other pandemic mandates contributed to a minimized flu season. But our increased handwashing contributed significantly. We touch our faces about 16 or more times per hour. With proper hygiene habits, we reduce the risk of spreading germs and infectious organisms to our eyes, mouth, and nose.
Jane Brody, New York Times personal health columnist for over 40 years, says, "As we get back into the world and the germs that inhabit it, we shouldn't drop the hand-washing habit so many of us adopted in the Covid-era."
Is it finally time to slack off on some cleaning protocols?
Can we lighten up on a few things? No. With the threat of the Delta variant and lagging vaccination numbers, vigilance is still the right stance for cleaning protocols.
At a bare minimum, what hygiene practices should we stick to?
hand washing
cover when sneezing
disinfect objects and surfaces
stay home when not well
Proper cleaning and disinfecting practices are proven to help protect against the spread of germs and viruses. In today’s current climate, as schools and communities across the country begin to reopen and new variants of the virus continue to spread, the cleaning and hygiene habits adopted at the onset of the pandemic will continue to play a crucial role in helping prevent the spread of illness.
Concerned about whether you are using the right cleaning service for your workplace? It's imperative to start your search now and find the perfect match. Reach out to other businesses for solid referrals and consult with System4 IPS.
With so many professionals to choose from, which team is best for you? System4 IPS specializes in creating customized janitorial programs that meet the unique need of businesses like yours!
If you have experienced a COVID-19 singular case or outbreak amongst your staff or at your facility, call System4 IPS and schedule your disinfection service today. Our team listens to your needs, requirements, and timing. See our many satisfied customer testimonials and public Google ratings.