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Monique Burgess

Monique is a seasoned public speaker, digital marketer, serial entrepreneur and global sailor. Her marketing strategies have contributed to multiple successful startup acquisitions, exponential revenue at publicly held high tech companies, and innovative sales programs at national organizations. She, her husband and two children are avid adventurers. They have sailed more than 30,000 nautical miles over two multi-year ocean voyages, spearfishing in remote atolls of the South Pacific, hiking volcanic calderas and living 1000's of miles away from modern civilization for months at a time.

Top 4 Best Practices in creating a Disinfection Plan and killing viruses - System4 IPS - RI CT MA

4 Best Practices for Creating a Disinfection Plan

As the 2nd wave of coronavirus (COVID-19) sweeps across many US states, reopening and staying open is no simple task for business owners, facility managers, office managers or facilities management companies. Building management professionals are facing important responsibilities in order to prevent the spread of illness in their facilities.

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Industries Adopting Antimicrobial Coatings to Minimize Transmission

How does your Covid19 cleaning plan compare to others? Disinfected surfaces are clean until they are contaminated. That could be seconds, minutes, hours, but usually, not days. Many industries do not have the luxury of time or budget to constantly disinfect round-the-clock. With viruses living on surfaces for up to 3 days, surfaces become a point of transmission.

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